Napkyn Newsletter: January 2023

This month’s spotlight: First-Party Data

February 3, 2023 - This month’s spotlight: First-Party Data


    All marketers know we live in a privacy first world and that third-party cookies are on the way out. This will continue to dramatically change how marketers need to think about, and act on collecting and leveraging data to understand and better serve their audience. 

    Organizations winning with first-part data already have it in abundance. It’s in their CRM systems, marketing databases, customer support systems, etc. And they’ve already put in the work to inventory it, centralize it, and leverage it by generating more valuable insights, and activate it. The results are better relationships with customers and prospects, and a higher ROI on their marketing budgets.  

    It feels overwhelming, and it can be, so let’s start to talk about the steps you can take to simplify it. 

    In this month’s newsletter we’re shining a spotlight on first-party data, with articles and resources – from what it is, to how to activate it, & everything in between.

    Get the scoop from our savvy analytics and media experts on everything first-party data. Our comprehensive collection of articles dive deep into what it is, and where to get your hands on it, plus strategies for thinking and activating with this powerful tool:

    Our team pulled together a great collection of first-party data focused articles from around the web, guaranteed to inform and inspire: 


    Webinar Alert!

    Feb 22nd, 1PM eastern


    The changes to data usage and regulations in the marketplace have triggered marketers and organizations to think differently about the data they use and how they drive actions and insights.

    First-Party data is increasingly becoming a key element in organizational data strategy.

    In this webinar, Napkyn’s Chief Technologist, Nick Bennett will explain how organizations can effectively identify, AND capitalize on first-party data. 



    Get the latest information on GA4 updates with these two must-read articles:  Everything You Need to Know to Recreate Universal Audiences in GA4 and Introducing the GA4 Landing Page Report

    Learn more about new GA4 features and functionality on the Google Support page

    Next Month’s Spotlight: Measurement Strategy

    Creating and maintaining a successful measurement strategy is a team sport. It’s essential for stakeholders across the org chart to discuss, decide & document the best methods of gauging progress within their space. In next month’s newsletter we’ll focus on this essential, all encompassing plan that establishes how business goals are measured. 


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