GA4 Monthly Roundup Volume 4

The October edition of our monthly update filled with the latest GA4 news and updates data-driven organizations need to be aware of.

October 26, 2022 - The October edition of our monthly update filled with the latest GA4 news and updates data-driven organizations need to be aware of.

    GA4 Word on the Street

    Store Closing: Earlier this month Google announced Store Visits in Analytics will be discontinued as of October 31,2022. As of this date, new Store Visits reporting will not be generated. Historical Store Visits reporting will remain available. Please reach out to us if you have any questions.  

    A Change Will Do You Good: The Google Ads Search Queries report has been updated in UA and the Google Ads queryFirst user Google Ads query and Session Google Ads query dimensions for explorations in GA4 to meet a higher privacy threshold. These thresholds ensure user anonymity by only reporting on terms with sufficient search volume across Google searches. Why is this important? Because the update in GA4 ensures metrics will now be more consistent with what you’re seeing in your Google Ads reports. 

    What’s in a name: On October 11th Google announced Data Studio is now Looker Studio as part of their plan to unify their business intelligence product family under the Looker umbrella. Why is this important? Because with this complete enterprise business intelligence suite, (Looker, Data Studio, AI and machine learning) you can now go beyond dashboards and infuse your workflows and applications with the intelligence needed to help make data-driven decisions. 


    The Latest from Google

    Google is updating and adding new features to GA4 on a weekly, sometimes daily basis. Here’s some of what’s new since our September newsletter:

    • Tailored recommendations
    • New Measurement option – Form interactions
    • Greater compatibility across UA & GA4 ecommerce implementations
    • FTP Data Import

    You can see the complete list on Google’s Support Site or read our latest articles below.

    Have questions about these features? Book a time with a GA4 Subject Matter Expert

    Get Smarter About GA4


    GA4 on the Napkyn Blog

    Our GA4 SMEs have been preparing for the transition to GA4 for a few years now, & have worked with dozens of clients on their transition. We also actively provide feedback to GA4’s product team & keep abreast of the latest updates & features so we can pass what’s most important  on to you.

    Here’s some of what our team wants to ensure you’re aware of: 

    Is there a GA4 topic you’d like us to write about?

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    Client Questions

    Q: How many audience triggers can we have per property? 

    A: You can create up to 20 audience-trigger events per property. 

    Q: How many event types are there in GA4 and what are they?   

    A: There are 4 types of events in GA4, enhanced measurement events, automatically collected events, recommended events, and custom events.    

    Q: What is an event-scoped dimension?

    A: An event-scoped dimension describes the action someone performs. They come from event parameters that are sent with events and their value often changes as someone engages with your site. 

    Do you have a GA4 question you’d like our team to answer?

    Send Us Your Question


    GA4 Tips & Lessons Learned

    New this month, GA now makes it easier to start using GA4 ecommerce reports without needing to change your ecommerce implementation! Now you can make it easier to use GA4 ecommerce reports by doing one of the following:

    1. Fully migrate and re-implement ecommerce to send GA4 ecommerce events to ensure you take advantage of all Analytics features long term. (Recommended).

    2. Use your UA ecommerce implementation to populate GA4 ecommerce events. 

    3. Replace your UA ecommerce implementation with GA4 ecommerce events and user your GA4 ecommerce events to populate your UA property with ecommerce data. With this option you can continue to use your UA ecommerce reports while enabling you to migrate to GA4 when you’re ready. 

    Google is also providing a nifty ecommerce migration helper tool to help:

    • Identify the version and API/library you currently use to send ecommerce data.
    • Validate how your Analytics tags in Tag Manager interpret your ecommerce events.
    • See the corresponding event for each ecommerce implementation. 

    Plan a Successful GA4 Transition


    In other Napkyn News

    Recently, The Globe and Mail ranked Napkyn No. 252 on the 2022 Report on Business ranking of Canada’s Top Growing Companies. We earned our spot with a 3 year growth of 148%.

    Our growth is a direct result of how our team works together, and with customers to deliver great results.” Nish Patel, Napkyn CEO  Read the press release 


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    Tara Landry

    Marketing Manager

    With more than 20 years of experience as a marketing communications professional, Tara has in-depth campaign experience from conception to analysis and is passionate about content, translating marketing ideas across all organizational levels, and punk rock.

    See more posts from Tara

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