Napkyn Newsletter: February 2023

March 2, 2023 - This month’s spotlight: Measurement Strategy

    Changes in technology and regulations are having a huge impact on digital measurement approaches such as last-touch attribution, view-through attribution, and  multi-touch attribution—rendering them less effective. But with these challenges come opportunities to rethink the future of data measurement

    At Napkyn we’re actively leading clients through this transition, developing future-proofed measurement approaches, and ensuring clients’ mar-tech/ad-tech infrastructure is implemented/integrated properly to respond to the changing digital ecosystem.

    We strongly recommend clients establish a layered campaign measurement approach. Using multiple measurement methodologies simultaneously allows Napkyn and client teams to analyze data from multiple sources, triangulate around true campaign impact, and ensure all short- and long-term decisions align with desired business objectives.

    The proof is in the results—on a recent project our layered approach to campaign measurement drove 52% ROAS improvement at a 25% greater scale across the full media plan. Find out more about our approach and results in the full article.


    Establishing available data sources, integrating data sources and defining metrics for tracking and analysis are the core building blocks for developing a comprehensive measurement strategy. However, creating a connected measurement framework is critical to maximizing success, and involves five interlocking requirements:

    1. Data Infrastructure
    2. Lift Testing 
    3. Media Mix Modeling Development
    4. Media Mix Modeling Application
    5. Proxy KPIs


    By steering clear of these roadblocks, your measurement strategy can become a lasting success. This will result in the potential for constant growth and development – all leading to improved results:

    1. Doing it because you have to
    2. Biting off more than you can chew
    3. C-Suite isn’t behind it
    4. Thinking you can wing it
    5. Ignoring the big picture
    6. Thinking about the data too far into the process
    7. Giving up too quickly



    Tactical vs Strategic Measurement: What’s the Difference & Why You Should Care

    Tactics and strategy are not the same AND they’re not at odds with one another. As Sun T Sun Tzu wrote in The Art of War,  “Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” 

    Preparing for Transition to GA4: Why Evaluating Your Current Measurement Strategy Should be Your First Step

    An important first step in your GA4 transition journey is evaluating your current measurement strategy. If it isn’t sound, it can cause more problems than it solves. 

    Measuring for Success: Analytics for Site Updates, Upgrades & Redesigns

    As organizations are under increasing pressure to provide enhanced digital experiences, investment in updates, upgrades, and redesigns to site content is also ramping up to achieve success and competitive differentiation.  Measuring the impact of these changes requires a consistent measurement strategy.



    Improved Search for Properties & Accounts in GA4

    Google recently unveiled a new way to make analytic insight more accessible within its GA4 properties. 

    How to Best Use Google Tag Manager Click Element

    What do you do if you don’t have a datalayer or have one that’s not properly implemented? 



    1. A lot of people have questions about data controls, protecting confidentiality, and security of data in GA4. In response, Google has compiled A CENTRAL GUIDE TO GA’S DATA PRACTICES AND DATA CONTROLS.  
    2.  SAFEGUARDS FOR INTERNATIONAL DATA TRANSFERS WITH GOOGLE’S ADVERTISING AND ANALYTICS PRODUCTSThis Google whitepaper explains safeguards and supplementary commitments to EU GDPR and UK GDPR requirements. Google offers to protect personal data processed when using Google advertising and analytics products. Also includes information about US State laws to aid your risk assessment in light of the Schrems II decision. 


    Webinar Alert!

    March 28 10AM Pacific, 11AM MT, 12PM CT, 1PM ET, 


    One of the hardest parts of getting a digital measurement program off the ground is just how new these types of initiatives are. While few people are experienced in running a major project of this type, there ARE four worker archetypes required to create success.  Join Jim Cain on March 28th and let Napkyn help you ‘wear a lot of different hats’ in order to get your marketing data program launched in four key steps.  


    Next Month’s Spotlight

    Unlock the power of data! Data Activation provides an informed means to tap into your treasure trove of knowledge and make it work for you—allowing business users to access actionable insights right at their fingertips. If there are articles or info you’d like to see on this topic, or if you’d like to suggest a future topic, get in touch.


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