How Google’s Behavioral Modeling Approach Enhances Consent Mode Accuracy

As the world of digital marketing continues to evolve, staying ahead of the latest trends and technologies is essential to maintaining your competitive edge. In order to ensure you are getting the most accurate data from your consent mode analytics, Google has developed a behavioral modeling approach that can help you make sure you have an accurate picture of your user base.

December 15, 2022 - As the world of digital marketing continues to evolve, staying ahead of the latest trends and technologies is essential to maintaining your competitive edge. In order to ensure you are getting the most accurate data from your consent mode analytics, Google has developed a behavioral modeling approach that can help you make sure you have an accurate picture of your user base.

    Modeled Data vs Observed Data

    Google’s behavioral modeling approach relies on modeling data rather than observed data. Modeled data is based on existing patterns of behavior from users who have already interacted with the website or app in question. As users interact with the website or app over time, the model can learn and adjust accordingly. This allows companies to quickly detect shifts in user behavior and tailor their consent management policies accordingly, without having to wait for actual observed data.  

    Behavioral modeling gives businesses the ability to extrapolate meaningful insights from their user base (like how users interact with your website or app) even when they do not have access to observed data due to privacy restrictions or other issues. This means that you can still learn about your users without compromising their privacy or breaching GDPR and other regulations. 

    Observed data comes from direct interactions between users and the website or app they are visiting. This type of data is used by Google’s behavioral modeling algorithms to create real-time models that accurately reflect user preferences when it comes to consent mode settings. The observed data can then be compared against the modeled data, helping analyts identify any discrepancies between the two datasets in order to better understand how users are interacting with their product or service.  


    Google’s Behavioral Modeling Approach

    Google’s behavioral modeling approach uses machine learning algorithms to identify patterns in user behavior across different age groups and countries or regions, taking into account factors like device type, browser version, page views per session and more. And, Google specifically designed it for use in its consent mode feature. This system utilizes both modeled and observed data sources in order to create an accurate picture of how users are interacting with websites and apps that have enabled Google’s consent mode feature.

    In other words, Google basically looks at the data from users who accepted the cookies and estimates the behavior of those users, based on similar users.

    You can also choose specific dimensions to be used in your model (e.g., traffic source, device type) or choose to use all available dimensions for maximum accuracy. By analyzing this information, businesses can make informed decisions about how best to configure their consent management policies in order to maximize user satisfaction while still adhering to privacy regulations such as GDPR or CCPA. However, it’s important to remember that no matter how good your model is, there will always be some level of inaccuracy as you’re relying on assumptions rather than actual interactions with the user in question.  


    Check For Accuracy And Communicate Changes

    It’s important that businesses regularly check for accuracy when using Google’s behavioral modeling approach by comparing modeled versus observed data sets on an ongoing basis. Such checks allow businesses to identify any discrepancies between the two datasets that may indicate a need for changes or adjustments within their policy settings. Additionally, it’s important businesses both communicate any changes they may need to make in order to ensure accuracy and reliability of their insights. And that  they are communicating any changes they make within their policies clearly and effectively so that all users understand what they need to do to comply with those policies going forward (e.g., enabling or disabling certain features).

    Furthermore, Google will let you know of any changes that may have a larger impact on the data you have collected.  


    Maintain Rigorous Reporting Methods 

    Using consent mode requires rigorous reporting in order to ensure accuracy and compliance with GDPR regulations and other applicable laws/regulations related to privacy protection/data handling/etc.. You should also pay close attention to any changes made by Google regarding its terms of service or policies related to consent mode as these could have significant impacts on how you capture/store/use customer data collected via GA4 models. It’s also important to keep track of any issues encountered while using consent mode so they can be addressed promptly & accurately as needed – this will help ensure ongoing compliance & accuracy when working with models generated through GA4’s consent mode feature set .

    Customize for Your Business Whether you’re just starting out with GA4 or have been using it for years, taking advantage of its behavioral modeling capabilities through consent mode can provide valuable insights into how customers interact with your business online—and help ensure compliance at all times! By customizing your model according to specific criteria relevant to your business needs & goals—such as traffic source, device type & more—you’ll be able to gain deeper insights into customer behavior & preferences—while still respecting their rights under applicable global privacy laws such as GDPR & CCPA!  

    Last, but not least, it’s important to remember that if there isn’t enough consent traffic to inform the Behavioral model, events triggered by users who decline the consent won’t be reported. This may be a “problem” but it’s done to help ensure the accuracy of the data.


    Customize for Your Business 

    Whether you’re just starting out with GA4 or have been using it for years, taking advantage of its behavioral modeling capabilities through consent mode can provide valuable insights into how customers interact with your business online—and help ensure compliance at all times! By customizing your model according to specific criteria relevant to your business needs & goals—such as traffic source, device type & more—you’ll be able to gain deeper insights into customer behavior & preferences—while still respecting their rights under applicable global privacy laws such as GDPR & CCPA!  

    How behavioral modeling appears in GA

    Analytics seamlessly integrates modeled data and observed data in your reports. When Analytics includes modeled data, you will probably see differences when compared to reports that include only observed data (e.g., higher user counts in reports that include modeled data).

    Use the data-quality icon (shown below) to see when modeled data is integrated.



    The following table summarizes the messages you might see via the icon.


    Data-quality icon status Description
    Including estimated user data As of [modeling effective date], Analytics is estimating data that’s missing due to factors such as cookie consent.
    Including estimated user data As of [modeling effective date], Analytics is estimating all possible data that’s missing due to factors like cookie consent.
    Excluding estimated user data Your property’s reporting identity setting doesn’t allow Analytics to estimate data that’s missing due to factors such as cookie consent. Unless you use the blended setting, your reports only include data available from users who consented to the use of identifiers.
    Estimated user data unavailable The date range selected is prior to when this property became eligible for estimated data.
    Estimated user data unavailable This report includes only real-time or retention data from users who consent to the use of identifiers. It doesn’t include estimated data.


    Some pages in the Analytics interface will also display a banner with information about the modeling status.

    The following table summarizes the messages you might see via a banner.


    Banner message Banner location
    Most templates include only data from users who consented to the use of identifiers, except for the free-form and segment-overlap templates, which do include data from estimated users. Explorations home page
    If an exploration has a segment with a sequence, it will show only data for users who consented to the use of identifiers. Exploration detail page
    This [report/exploration/audience] includes only data from users who consented to the use of identifiers. Exploration detail page
    If this segment includes a sequence, it will show only data for users who consented to the use of identifiers.  



    Google’s behavioral modeling approach provides valuable insight into user behavior without compromising privacy policies or laws by combining demographic and physical location information with modeled session-level behavior in order to create an accurate picture of users across different platforms. It’s important that businesses check regularly for accuracy and maintain rigorous reporting standards when using this powerful tool in order to maximize its effectiveness and get the most reliable results possible. With careful customization tailored towards individual business needs, Google’s behavioral modeling approach can provide invaluable insight into customer behaviour – allowing businesses to stay ahead of the curve with their digital marketing strategies!


    Use Google’s Behavioral Modeling to its Full Potential With Napkyn

    If you need assistance to get the most out of this very powerful tool, please contact our experts over at Napkyn.

    With dozens of transitions and hundreds of GA4 related projects under our belts, we are very familiar with GA4 and can help you utilize this platform according to your needs. Contact us today to unlock GA4’s full potential and sign up for our monthly GA4 newsletter.

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