GA4 Monthly Roundup Volume 5

Welcome to the November edition of our monthly newsletter, filled with the latest GA4 news and updates data-driven organizations need to be aware of.

November 22, 2022 - Welcome to the November edition of our monthly newsletter, filled with the latest GA4 news and updates data-driven organizations need to be aware of.

    GA4 Word on the Street

    There’s No Place Like Home: Originally previewed at Google Marketing Live and available to all advertisers as of Oct. 27, the new GA4 home page is personalized for customers, highligting key top-line trends, real time behaviour & most viewed reports. It uses machine learning to look for trends & insights about your website & mobile apps & surfaces information that’s relevant to you based on your behavious in Analytics. 

    Play to the Crowd: Google recently added a new suggested audience to GA4 – 7-day unnotified users. This includes app users who have not been reached via push notifications. This brings the number of suggested audiences to 18. Suggested audiences help advertisers easily add audience segments for your most used industry categories. 

    Push Back: On Oct 27 Google announced it is pushing the sunset date of UA360 to 2024 in order to give enterpise users more time to transition to G4. The new date is July 1 2024. For clarity, this new date only applies to UA360 and not Universal Analytics. 


    The Latest from Google

    Google is updating and adding new features to GA4 on a weekly, sometimes daily basis. Here’s some of what’s new since our October newsletter:

    • New date & hour dimenstions across both GA4 explorations & reporting customization
    • Ability to add custom dimensions & metrics as primary dimensions in saved reports
    • Ability to reuse Google tags created via Google Ads in GA4 properties

    You can see the complete list on Google’s Support Site or read our latest articles below.

    Do you have questions about any of these features? Our SME’s are always here to provide answers, just set up a call.


    GA4 on the Napkyn Blog

    Having worked on numerous GA4 implemenatations, our GA4 SMEs are constantly adding in-depth articles to the Napkyn blog on on the news & features

    Here’s some of what our team wants to ensure you’re aware of: 

    Is there a GA4 topic you’d like us to write about?

    Schedule Your GA4 Topic


    Client Questions

    Q: Why did Google push UA360 sunset by 9 months? 

    A: Google has  received a significant amount of feedback from customers and partners (including Napkyn) that more time was needed to ensure successful migrations of more complex setups to GA4. Google also candidly admitted that some of the features required for GA4 to become the sole analytics source of truth for many customers were not yet available. Much of this due to an evolving roadmap that has also been based on customer and partner feedback. 

    Do you have a GA4 question you’d like our team to answer?

    Send Us Your Question


    GA4 Tips & Lessons Learned 

    On November 2nd, Google introduced new date and hour dimensions in GA4 across both Google Analytics 4 explorations and reporting customization:

    • Hour is the hour when an event was collected.
    • Nth hour is the number of hours since the start of a specified date range.
    • Date + hour is the date and hour when an event was collected.
    • Week is the week of the event, a two-digit number from 01 to 53. Each week starts on Sunday, and January 1st is always in Week 1.
    • Month is the month of the event, a two-digit integer from 01 to 12.

    Use these dimensions to quickly answer questions like:

    • How did my online sales data trend hourly, after our Superbowl commercial aired?
    • What months do I see the most traffic on my website?
    • Are users of my app more likely to convert in the evening hours, or during the day? What about users of my website?

     Learn more about time dimensions in GA4 on Google’s support site, or book a call with one our our GA4 experts. 

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