On-demand Recording: 4 Hats to a World-Class Data Program

April 3, 2023 

One of the hardest parts of getting a digital measurement program off the ground is just how new these types of initiatives are. While there are few people experienced in running a major project of this type, there ARE four archetypes of worker that are required to create success. Let Napkyn help you ‘wear a lot of different hats’ to get your marketing data program launched in four steps.

From establishing clear business goals to improving the key performance indicators (KPIs) that matter most, you’ll learn the specific steps needed to create an actionable analytics strategy that will provide campaign insights and performance metrics, and deliver the crucial benchmarks for success.


In this on-demand presentation, Jim discusses:

  • The four silos of individuals in every organizatin who want the business to succeed but have very different philosophies about what success for the business means.
  • How these groups need to work together to create a successful a successful data marketing program.
  • What a world-class marketing data program is.
  • How to take ownership of, and move this program using four distinct “hats”.


Click to Watch 

Leverage data to increase revenue and efficiency with Napkyn.
