New in GA4: Item-Scoped Custom Dimensions

April 13, 2023 

Last month Google announced GA4 will now process item-level custom parameters from the ecommerce events on websites and apps. This feature allows you to track custom items parameters on your website in much more detail than before.

Item scoped custom dimensions enable you to track individual custom parameters on your website and measure how your products perform over time. With this data, you can gain further insights into which items are most popular and what customers are looking for when they visit your site. You can also use item scoped custom dimensions to segment your audience and better understand their behavior.

This new update is  an invaluable tool for businesses looking to get more out of their analytics data and gain deeper insights into products. With this feature, businesses can make more informed decisions about how best to market their products or services and improve their overall performance online.


Best Practices


To get the most out of item scoped custom dimensions, it’s important to have a clear vision of what type of data you’re looking to collect and which items you want to track. This will help ensure that your custom dimensions are configured correctly and capture accurate information. 

Additionally, it’s important to remember that setting up multiple item-scoped custom dimensions increases complexity, so you should only create additional dimensions when absolutely necessary. We recommend the usage of the default parameters before going into custom item scopes.


Create an item-scoped custom dimension


  1. In Google Analytics, click Admin. (You’ll need to have either Editor or Administrator role to create custom dimensions and metrics.
  2. Make sure you are in the correct account and property.
  3. In the Properties column, click Custom Definitions.
  4. In the Custom dimensions tab, click Create custom dimensions.

5. Complete the following information:

  • Dimension name: Enter a unique name for the dimension.
  • You can’t use hyphens in the name, but you can use underscores and spaces instead.
  • Scope: Select Item
  • Description: Enter a memorable description for the item scoped custom dimension.
  • Event parameter/User property: Choose the source of data. 

6. Click Save.

You will see a value of (not set) for a custom dimension in the first 48 hours.




Item scoped custom dimensions give you the power to track specific custom parameters on your website and analyze products performance over time. Armed with this data, you can uncover valuable insights about the popularity of certain items and the interests of your customers. Plus, you can use item scoped custom dimensions to group your audience members into more targeted categories, so you can get a better understanding of how they behave and interact with your site.

At Napkyn, we keep track of the latest Google Analytics 4 developments and post updates to ensure you are always in the loop regarding new features and how to use them.  Sign up for our monthly newsletter to get the latest scoop on Google Analytics 4 as well as useful guides for getting the most out of this platform.

Have questions about transitioning or getting the most out of your GA4 implementation? Contact us.


Have questions about transitioning or getting the most out of your GA4 implementation?
