What’s new in GA4: Import Conversions Recommendations

The latest addition to Google's recommendation library. 

July 5, 2023  If you've linked a Google Ads account, you may now see a recommendation to import your web and app conversions from Google Analytics 4 into Google Ads. By importing conversions into Google Ads, you can access Google Analytics data in Google Ads and better optimize bids for improved performance. 

For eligible Google Analytics accounts, the card may appear at the top of the Advertising snapshot page, as a card on the Home page, or as a card on the Insights Hub page.

This recommendation is only available if Google Ads and Google Analytics 4 are linked, and both have used the same Property ID or App ID. To get started, make sure your conversions have been set up in GA4. Then head to your Connections page in Google Ads and click “Import Conversions” to connect your Analytics account. This will enable you to access Google Analytics data in Google Ads.

Select "View" on the card to import the conversions and follow the instructions.

Once imported, you can use the power of AI-driven optimization to refine bids for improved performance. We hope this new feature helps make your campaigns even more successful! 

For more information about recommendations, check out our Ultimate Guide to Recommendations in GA4

If you have any questions regarding this recommendation or experience any difficulties with the setup process, contact us for assistance. Napkyn can help by providing additional guidance and support.

Happy optimizing!

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