On-Demand: Identify & Leverage First-Party Data

February 25, 2023 


    A must watch for anyone who wants to kick start their first-party data strategy. 

    The changes to data usage and regulations in the marketplace have triggered marketers and organizations to think differently about the data they use and how they drive actions and insights. 

    First-Party data is increasingly becoming a key element in organizational data strategy. In this webinar, Napkyn’s Chief Technologist, Nick Bennett explores how organizations can effectively identify, AND capitalize on first-party data to  better connect with prospects and customers.

    This webinar also includes use cases of how to  leverage first-party data to generate more valuable insights and actions.  WATCH THE RECORDING


    • Director/Sr Mgr Analytics
    • Director/Sr Mgr Marketing
    • Director/Sr Mgr Media
    • Sr Analyst/Analyst
    • Digital Marketing Manager
    • Media Coordinator
    • Anyone who owns analytics and /or is responsible for marketing data, reporting, media activation

    Viewers will leave this webinar:

    • With a solid understanding of the changes to data usage in digital marketing (data and signal  loss, privacy landscape, first party data, etc.) 
    • Knowledge of how to identify and make the most of first-party data sources
    • Examples of how future looking marketers are leveraging first-party data to generate more valuable insights and actions. 


    Get early notification of all of our webinars directly in your Inbox by signing up for our monthly newsletter.

    Ready to grow your company to the next level?

    Looking for help identifying and leveraging first-party data? Our experts can help. 
