On-Demand: Data Is a Four Letter Word

Considering that in most organizations there is a clear and frustrating disconnect between the executives who want data and the analysts who create and work with it, sometimes data can seem like a four letter word. Add in the havoc of the current deprecation and ultimate extinction of the third-party cookie, and the expletive level is hitting 11.

Considering that in most organizations there is a clear and frustrating disconnect between the executives who want data and the analysts who create and work with it, sometimes data can seem like a four letter word. Add in the havoc of the current deprecation and ultimate extinction of the third-party cookie, and the expletive level is hitting 11.

    But there is a solution. In March of this year, Napkyn Founder & CEO, Jim Cain unveiled The 4 C’s For Executives. A framework he developed over a ten year period working with senior executives across North America to address the frustration that plagues organizations and executives that want to lead with data. It is a tool being used to translate the elusive promise and potential of ‘data-driven’, ‘big data’ & ‘data science’ into progress and results.

    Since then, Jim has been applying the 4 C’s to different use cases and presenting his findings at conferences across North America.

    In this on-demand webinar, Jim applies The 4 C’s to the third-party cookie deprecation and 2023 extinction use case, demonstrating how the 4 C’s can be used to effectively plan for, and address 3rd party cookie extinction.

    Watch the recording

    This recording is a must for:

    • Anyone impacted by the depreciation and upcoming extinction of the cookie.
    • Anyone accountable for making data-driven decisions based on data derived from third and first-party cookies.
    • Anyone invested in any or all steps in the digital ad process.
    • Anyone looking for a framework that can be applied not only to thriving in a cookie-less world, but to every data initiative moving forward.

    Watch the recording

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