Napkyn Announces New Line of Google Analytics 4 (GA4) Transition Services

Digital analytics consulting and engineering consultancy expands portfolio with new line of services geared toward helping clients confidently evolve to GA4 as their analytics source of truth.

Napkyn, a leading analytics consultancy, today announced it has expanded its portfolio with a range of services designed to help brands successfully transition to Google Analytics 4 (GA4). 

On March 16th, 2022, Google announced sunset timelines for its Universal Analytics and Google Analytics 360  technologies which collectively maintain more than 70% of the total web analytics market share¹. GA will stop processing hits on July 1, 2023, and GA360 on Oct 1 of the same year, and all data will become read-only. Organizations currently using UA/360 are encouraged to begin transitioning to Google’s new web analytics technology, Google Analytics 4. 

Built on the foundation of App+Web, a product Google introduced in Beta in 2019, unlike previous versions of Google Analytics that only supported websites,  GA4 can be used on websites, applications (apps), or both.  Google cites “major shifts in consumer behavior and privacy-driven changes to longtime industry standards” as the impetus for the changes, stating “it has machine learning at its core to automatically surface helpful insights and gives you a complete understanding of your customers across devices and platforms. It’s privacy-centric by design, so you can rely on Analytics even as industry changes like restrictions on cookies and identifiers create gaps in your data.” 

Developed and led by Napkyn’s team of GA4 experts, the Company’s four new GA4 Transition services are designed for organizations to confidently evolve to GA4 as their analytics source of truth from auditing and optimizing their current implementation, to aligning measurement plans to unlock GA4 capabilities, to core GA4 implementation, through to activation & enablement. 

“There is a lot of information out there that implies a GA4 transition is a one-time event when in reality, companies should be approaching it on an implement, use & iterate model, says Napkyn CEO, Nish Patel, GA4 is not only a whole new approach to measurement, it’s also a work in progress with new features road mapped through 2023.”

Furthermore, these services have been designed to be analytics platform agnostic meaning Napkyn can help companies currently using GA, GA60, and Adobe Analytics, even those not presently using analytics.

CNIO, Jim Cain also commented, “we created this new set of services based on transitioning several of our current clients to GA4,  many of whom were unsure when or how to start this process, who not only wanted to take advantage of the value in being an early adopter, but saw  the transition as an opportunity to review and realign their analytics measurement with their business strategy.”  

Learn more about Napkyn’s line of GA4 services.


About Napkyn 

Napkyn is a digital analytics consulting and engineering company with more than a decade of experience helping organizations implement and leverage high-quality data to make superior business decisions. Trusted by Fortune 1000 companies across North America, Napkyn delivers world-class data management and enablement solutions to data-driven enterprise marketing and technology leaders. Napkyn is a Google Marketing Platform and Google Cloud Partner that provides services across Data Enablement, Data Quality, Data Analysis, and Data Activation.  You can learn more about Napkyn at or by following Napkyn on LinkedIn and Twitter

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