Improvements to Data-Driven Attribution in GA4: What Marketers Must Know

On August 16, 2022, Google announced changes to its Data-Driven Attribution model to improve its accuracy. The new model, will be more accurate for conversion types with low conversion volume or short data history. Consequently, fractional credit will be assigned for more conversion types than before. 

On August 16, 2022, Google announced changes to its Data-Driven Attribution model to improve its accuracy. The new model, will be more accurate for conversion types with low conversion volume or short data history. Consequently, fractional credit will be assigned for more conversion types than before. 

    This is great news for businesses that want to get an accurate picture of how their marketing efforts are performing. At the same time, these improvements have created quite a stir in the analytics community, with people trying to understand its implications for their businesses.

    So, which properties do these improvements to data-driven attribution in GA4 affect?

    Let’s find out.  


    The Effect on Properties in Attribution Settings 


    Attribution refers to assigning conversion credit to ads, factors, and clicks to track a user’s converting journey. 

    If you’re an Editor on a GA4 property, you can experiment with three settings affecting your property’s attribution: 

    • The Reporting Attribution Model

    An attribution model (data-driven algorithm or a set of rules) determines how credit conversions are assigned to various touchpoints on a user conversion path. 

    Select “Data-driven attribution” in the Attribution settings. This section will allow you to choose an attribution model to gauge conversion credits in your report within the Analytics property. 

    If you switch the attribution model, the changes will be seen in past and future data in reports with event-scoped traffic dimensions. These reports may include Explorations and Conversions details reports. 

    Depending on the attribution model you select, changes may be made to the following metrics in line with event-scoped traffic dimensions:

    • Conversions
    • Purchase revenue
    • Total revenue
    • Total ad revenue

    Upon selecting a non-last click attribution model, you’ll see fractional credit in the columns for the first time, thanks to the latest improvements to data-driven attribution in GA4. The selected attribution model will distribute a particular credit conversion among ad interactions. 

    For example, if you choose the Linear model and a user goes through four touchpoints before converting, each touchpoint will display 0.25 in the Conversions column.   

    • Lookback Window 

    You know users can convert days or weeks after interacting with your ad, right?

    Well, the lookback window lets you see how far back in time a touchpoint was eligible for conversion credit. So, with a 15-day lookback window, conversions from August 15 will be attributed to touchpoints from August 1 to 15. 

    The lookback window applies to all conversion types and attribution models. If you make changes to the window period, they’ll be reflected in all reports in the Analytics property going forward.    

    If you’re considering acquisition conversion events like first visits, you’ll have a default lookback window of 30 days. You can, however, opt for a 7-day window if it’s more in line with your attribution needs. 

    For other conversion events, you get a 90-day lookback window. Alternative options include 30 and 60 days.   


    The Effect on Properties in the Advertising Workspace


    The latest improvements to data-driven attribution in GA4 also introduce new opportunities for marketers to gain valuable insights into the most critical user journeys and make the most of the Advertising workspace. 

    The attribution reports in the Advertising workspace help you better understand how your marketing efforts work together to convert users. They also offer insight into different rules-based attribution models, allowing you to identify the one most suitable for your target audience and business. 

    With GA4’s Advertising workspace, you’ll get three types of reports: 

    • Advertising Snapshot

    This report gives a quick overview of your business metrics in the form of summary cards while providing you the option to delve deeper into those you wish to explore. 

    Each summary card answers a specific question, such as “Which touchpoint causes the most customers to convert?” You can click on the report’s name at the bottom to view details. 

    One of the cards also tells you about the channels from the Default Channel Grouping that drove the highest conversions.

    What’s more? 

    You can discover emerging trends or significant changes in your advertising data on the Insights card. 

    • Model Comparison Report

    It compares how credit shifts under different attribution models for each channel.

    You must select a date range and your desired conversion events before applying filters to this report if you wish to analyze your marketing performance on a specific campaign, in particular locations, or on different devices.

    With the Model Comparison report, you can determine the count of conversions and revenue amount attributed to a particular dimension. You can also view the percentage by which your conversions and revenue have increased or decreased in the % Change column. 

    Additionally, you can identify undervalued ad campaigns that push users on the conversion journey by comparing the Cross-channel last click to the Cross-channel first click model. The results will help you attract more prospects to your website or app. 

    Lastly, comparing the Cross-channel last click to the Cross-channel linear model will reveal campaigns that assist users along the conversion path, enabling you to find better ways to stay connected with prospects throughout their buying journey. 

    • Conversion Paths

    The Conversion Paths report is broken into two sections: the data table and the data visualization. It highlights the top conversion paths and shows the number of conversions during your selected period. 

    With the data table, you’ll be able to see the paths users take to convert on your website or app, along with metrics like Conversions, Touchpoints to conversion, Days to conversion, and Purchase revenue. 

    On the other hand, in the data visualization section, you’ll gain insights into the channels that initiate, support, and complete conversions. 


    Upgrade Your Marketing Efforts With the Latest Improvements to Data-Driven Attribution in GA4!


    Our experts at Napkyn Analytics are here to support you on your GA4 journey, sign up for our monthly GA4 newsletter and Schedule a quick consultation today if you have any questions about the improvements to data-driven attribution or if you need assistance to take your marketing to the next level.

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