Google Announces Sunset of Google UA/360 - What You Need to Know, What You Need to Do

Today, Google announced timelines for when UA/360 will sunset and transition to GA4. Below is a summary and a GA4 Transition Roadmap that proactive organizations are executing.

Today, Google announced timelines for when UA/360 will sunset and transition to GA4. Below is a summary and a GA4 Transition Roadmap that proactive organizations are executing.




  • July 1, 2023: UA properties will stop processing new hits and be read only.
  • October 1, 2023: UA360 properties will stop processing new hits and be read only.
  • Google has taken a firm stance on extensions ….the answer is No.
  • Customers will have an additional six months to access historical data. 
  • Customers should have a plan to transition to GA4 by Q1/Q2 2023. 



Schedule a GA4 Transition Q&A Planning call with Napkyn


Is Your Team GA4 Ready? 


Since 2021 Google has been openly communicating that GA4 is the future. With this announcement we know when the future happens. 

There are organizations that are future ready. They have, or are in the process of dual tagging. Ensuring they will have 12+ months of historical data. After dual tagging, they are continuing the work necessary to transition to GA4. From creating audiences and validating conversions. To delivering training to their teams to get them familiar and comfortable operating in GA4. Ready to take full advantage of capabilities like predicted churn and LTV, cross-device attribution and conversion modeling. 

As the transition from Web 2.0 to Web3 accelerates we know finding and activating the next generation of data-driven opportunities requires a different approach to measurement. CoinDesk chose GA4 because it was designed to support a better way to create, collect, connect and investigate data. As a forward thinking, data-driven business GA4 is the obvious and right choice for CoinDesk.

Sam Norris, Head of Business Intelligence & Digital Analytics at CoinDesk.


Key to a Successful Transition: TIME


The primary success factor in transitioning to GA4 is TIME. The more time the higher the probability of a successful transition. 

  1. Understand: GA4 is a fundamentally different approach to measurement. Your organization needs to take the time to understand those differences and change how it approaches measurement and analytics. 
  1. 12+ Months Data Collection: the reason why is obvious. With the sunset dates set for UA/360 know when your 12 month countdown clock starts. 
  1. Data Validation: whether you are using GA to optimize user experience, conversions, marketing campaigns or all of the above you need to give yourself time to validate the data that GA4 is collecting. 
  1. User Education & Proficiency: With a whole new approach to measurement and UI there needs to be a persistent investment over a span of time in training all of today and tomorrow’s users of GA. 

Schedule a GA4 Transition Q&A Planning call with Napkyn


A Timeline for Transition to GA4 

Schedule a GA4 Transition Q&A Planning call with Napkyn

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