What’s New in GA4: Increased Number of Properties and Sub-Properties

March 23, 2023 - What’s new: 

Breaking news! Google Analytics has just made a significant update to their platform, allowing for up to 2000 properties per account – a massive jump from the previous default value of 100. This change means users will now have more flexibility to organize their properties without having to reaquest a highler limit from Google Support. 

However, a new limit has been introduced for the number of sub-properties on a property – 400. If you need more, you can still ask for an increase by submitting a request to support – just keep in mind  they’ll be reviewing requests on a case-by-case basis.


What’s a Property?

A Google Analytics 4 property represents an app and/or website. For example, you might have a game app  you sell via Google Play and App Store, and you might have a marketing website for that app. You can create a property that represents just the app or the app and the website.

When you use a property to represent an app, it should represent a single logical application, like a single game. That single logical application can be the same game on different platforms (for example Android and iOS).


Ok, What’s a Sub-Property?

A sub-property is a property that gets its data from one other property. The data in a sub-property is typically (but not necessarily) a subset of the data in its source property

Sub-properties are a great way to govern

  • User access to data
  • Data, by filtering events from the source property

For example, you might have one property for a brand and one sub-property for each region where you market the brand. You could then grant some users access to one region’s data, while granting other users access to another region’s data.


Why we care: 

These enhancements provide advertisers with greater flexibility and organization to manage their digital assets effectively. By utilizing these tools, you can gain comprehensive insights into user behavior and engagement on your content, helping you make informed decisions to optimize your online strategy. 

Ready to begin utilizing these tools to make informed decisions?
