New in GA4: Audience Builder Improvements

Google Analytics 4 just got better with significant enhancements to Audience Builder. 

May 23, 2023 

Google Analytics 4's audience builder just got better! Updated last week with significant improvements, you now have more power to customize and control your audiences thanks to these 5 new ehancements: 


1. New dimensions and metrics in audience builder

Something a lot of people have been waiting for, new dimensions and metrics have been added to the audience builder that closes the gap with Universal Analytics:

Item-scoped dimensions

  • Item ID
  • Item affiliation
  • Item brand
  • Item category
  • Item category 2
  • Item category 3
  • Item category 4
  • Item list name
  • Item name
  • Item promotion ID
  • Item variant

Item-scoped ecommerce metrics

    • Item revenue
    • Items added to cart
    • Items checked out
    • Items purchased
    • Items viewed in list

    Event-scoped ecommerce metrics

    • Item-list click events

    Session-based metrics

    • Low engagement sessions


2. Low engagment session

The second improvement on the list allows you to discover who's not engaged with your website or app using Google's new metric: low engagement sessions. Just create an audience of users with more than three low engagement sessions in the last five days, and then advertise to them to encourage their return. Retailers, for instance, can use ad copy announcing an upcoming sale or event to bring them back. 



3. Event value can be used on its own

Before, modifying a specific event using the event value parameter was the only option. This involved finding users who completed a particular event, such as "event X," with an event value exceeding 50.

Now, you have the ability to use event value independently without limiting it to a specific event. For instance, it is possible to create a user group of those who have participated in any event valued greater than 50.



4. Full set of operators for event count

Google has broadened the scope of operators at your disposal for constructing audiences through the event count metric. 

Previously, only operators such as greater than (>), less than (<), and equals to (=) were available, and only when opting for "the most recent time period". But now Google has introduced the complete gamut of operators and these operators are applicable both when selecting "at any point in time" and "most recent time period".

    • Greater than or equal to (>=)
    • Less than or equal to (<=)
    • Not equal to (!=)



5. Match between dates

Last but not least, Google has also introduced a "between match types" option for dates. For example, you can now build an audience of users that visited your website during Black Friday, and advertise to them leading up to Black Friday the following year. The start date and end date are included in the match, so a range of November 24 to November 26 would include the 24th, 25th, and 26th.



With these new improvements to audience builder, your advertising efforts can become even more personalized, precise, and impactful. By pinpointing users with low engagement sessions and integrating event values across multiple events, you can quickly generate audience segments that cater to specific interests and behaviors.

At Napkyn, we keep track of the latest Google Analytics 4 developments and post updates to ensure you are always in the loop regarding new features and how to use them.  Sign up for our monthly newsletter to get the latest scoop on Google Analytics 4 as well as useful guides for getting the most out of this platform.

Have questions about transitioning or getting the most out of your GA4 implementation? Contact us.

Learn more about building audiences in GA4 with Napkyn
