April 2024 GA4 & Google Updates
Napkyn's Monthly Update on all things GA4 - The things you need to know.

Ricardo Cristofolini
Senior Implementation Specialist, Data Solutions
I’m passionate about what I do. If you meet my manager or co-workers, they would say I’m a team player, engaged and always excited to learn something new. Like everyone else I have some flaws. However I’m not afraid to work around those to bring the best in myself and for the company.
Looker Studio Updates
Timeline Charts - Image attached. Allows you to look at data over a range of time by a grouping of different values.
Google Sheets Looker Studio Extension - Push a Looker Studio report directly from your Google Sheet with the Looker Studio extension.
The extension will give you a few options:
Use first row as headers - this pushes the first row as the field names
Include hidden and filtered cells - Default is that it will pull them in but you can toggle off, if you'd like to exclude them.
Include selected range - allows you to select what rows & columns you want to push to Looker Studio.

2024 3rd Party Cookie Deprecation
Google decided to postpone - again - phase out of 3rd party cookies in Chrome. The decision came after the U.K.-based Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) provided vague details of the issues raised by ad tech companies, publishers, and Ad Agencies. Some of the complaints registered are that the Privacy Sandox (collectively tools Google created to replace the cookie’s tracking) are hard to operate and that they (companies) don’t adequately replace the cookies’ multiple functions. Others even mentioned that this would give Google too much power and control.
One way or the other, the phase-out date is postponed to Q1 of 2025, giving everyone more time to breathe and try to find a solution.
Finally, it’s important to note a small detail in the timeline: Google added a little note saying that the phase-out is “subject to resolving any remaining concerns with the CMA” meaning that we’re back in the speculation phase.

But we got you covered and in any case, the cookie deprecation will come sooner or later - we have outlined some strategies to ensure you are prepared for when it does happen.
User data import for Google Analytics 4 audiences
Google improved the way user data import (which allows you to enhance user segmentation and remarketing audiences by importing user metadata that you store outside of Analytics from a CRM system, for example) works with Google Analytics 4 audiences. Now, data imported via user data import, joined using either user ID or client ID, is immediately available as criteria to qualify a user for an existing GA4 audience without requiring further activity from the user. That means users imported into Analytics who meet the criteria for an existing GA4 audience are immediately added to it.
For example, imagine you have created a "Gold" loyalty tier audience based on a user-scoped custom dimension that specifies a user’s loyalty tier. Now, when you upload the loyalty tiers via user data import, imported "Gold" tier users are immediately added to the GA4 audience. You don’t need to wait for them to become active on the website or app to qualify.

Salesforce Data Import
Good news for Salesforce users!
Google added Salesforce as a data source for Data import. You can now import data directly from Salesforce to Google Analytics as offline event data. Not only that but you will also be able to schedule daily or hourly imports and select any existing Salesforce milestones and attributes you want to import. Salesforce milestones will be collected as GA4 events, and you can optionally import any existing Salesforce attributes as GA4 dimensions.
Want to know more about how to implement Salesforce Data Import? Check this link here.
EEA Consent Mode (v1) Implementation Update
If you have Consent Mode implemented in your site(s)/or apps, you likely have received an email from Google talking about upgrade requirements to consent mode (v2). In this new version, Google has completed the mapping of ad_storage to ad_user_data values. While you continue to use consent mode (v1), the values of ad_storage consent will auto-populate ad_user_data for users in the EEA. Want to know more about auto-mapping? Check this link here.
Now, if you decide to opt out of auto-mapping ad_storage values to ad_user_data, you can configure the new consent mode parameters directly. Upgrading to the latest consent mode version (v2) also offers the ability to set ad_personalization consent required for EEA audience functionalities.
Google encourages you to validate that your consent mode setup is working as intended using tag assistant.
Finally, if you have already completed your upgrade to the latest consent mode version (v2), great work and you’re on the right track!
Display & Video (DV360) linking recommendations
When Google identifies an unlinked Display & Video 360 advertiser, you may now see a recommendation to link your DV360 advertiser to Google Analytics. By linking the DV360 advertiser, you can export Analytics audiences and conversions to DV360, and see campaign cost data and user engagement data in Analytics for better campaign measurement.
Want to know more about recommendations? Don’t miss it here.

GA4 Cookies Changes in Canada
Do you have sites in Canada? If that answer is YES you may want to keep an eye out for Quebec’s Law 25 which represents a complete overhaul of the province’s privacy regime, adding a variety of new requirements for businesses to contend with.
What is it?
Quebec’s Bill 64 — also known as an act to modernize legislative provisions regarding the protection of personal information — was officially adopted on September 22, 2021, becoming Law 25. This overhaul of the province’s privacy legislation has been part of a significant shift in modernizing Canada’s wider privacy landscape, which has recently seen further steps towards provincial and major federal reform.
What does it do?
Law 25 introduces new obligations that businesses must consider that relate to the protection of personal information of Quebec residents, including Data Protection Officer (DPO) appointments and privacy impact assessments (PIAs), among other things. These new provisions will become effective over the course of a three-year period, with the majority entering into effect in September 2023.
What should I do?
Law 25 requires businesses to provide certain information to individuals when they collect personal information using technology that identifies, locates, or profiles the individual, or when they use personal information to make a decision solely based on automated processing.
To get the full details on this, you can check OneTrust Blog.
DV360 App Mediation Partners Update
Starting in April, 2024 inventory purchased via app mediation partners will incur a fee, in addition to the Display & Video 360 partner fee. Advertisers will clearly see the fee amount and be asked to accept the fee in Display & Video 360. Advertisers who do not accept the fee will be opted-out and will not be charged.
App mediation partners give Display & Video 360 advertisers more control and access to mobile app inventory. Custom integrations with third-party app mediation partners provide Display & Video 360 with more inventory, better signals, and real-time bidding mediation, so advertisers can efficiently bid on high quality app inventory.
To change your app mediation partner settings at the partner level navigate to your partner and select Partner Settings > Basic Details > Exchanges.
App mediation partners are available as an inventory source in partner, insertion order, or line item targeting settings under Public inventory. Advertisers can target individual app mediation partners, and assess performance for each partner in reporting. App mediation partners are available for open auction, display, and video inventory.
Napkyn Recommendation
Pull a Exchange Report to understand current volume on App Mediation Partners
Reach out to specific App Mediation Partners to setup direct deals in DV360
More Insights

How to Audit Google Analytics 4 (GA4): Common Issues and Their Impacts on Your Data

Hasan Alanam
Manager, Data Solutions
Feb 14, 2025
Read More

Cookie Compliance Explained: Key Privacy Laws and Best Practices for Websites

Rob English
Lead Product Specialist
Feb 12, 2025
Read More

Impact of Consent Mode on Reporting and Transaction Data in GA4

Trisha Patel
Senior Analyst, Data Solutions
Feb 5, 2025
Read More
More Insights
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Napkyn Inc.
204-78 George Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 5W1, Canada
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6 East 32nd Street, 9th Floor, New York, NY 10016, USA
212-247-0800 | info@napkyn.com

April 2024 GA4 & Google Updates
Napkyn's Monthly Update on all things GA4 - The things you need to know.

Ricardo Cristofolini
Senior Implementation Specialist, Data Solutions
I’m passionate about what I do. If you meet my manager or co-workers, they would say I’m a team player, engaged and always excited to learn something new. Like everyone else I have some flaws. However I’m not afraid to work around those to bring the best in myself and for the company.
Looker Studio Updates
Timeline Charts - Image attached. Allows you to look at data over a range of time by a grouping of different values.
Google Sheets Looker Studio Extension - Push a Looker Studio report directly from your Google Sheet with the Looker Studio extension.
The extension will give you a few options:
Use first row as headers - this pushes the first row as the field names
Include hidden and filtered cells - Default is that it will pull them in but you can toggle off, if you'd like to exclude them.
Include selected range - allows you to select what rows & columns you want to push to Looker Studio.

2024 3rd Party Cookie Deprecation
Google decided to postpone - again - phase out of 3rd party cookies in Chrome. The decision came after the U.K.-based Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) provided vague details of the issues raised by ad tech companies, publishers, and Ad Agencies. Some of the complaints registered are that the Privacy Sandox (collectively tools Google created to replace the cookie’s tracking) are hard to operate and that they (companies) don’t adequately replace the cookies’ multiple functions. Others even mentioned that this would give Google too much power and control.
One way or the other, the phase-out date is postponed to Q1 of 2025, giving everyone more time to breathe and try to find a solution.
Finally, it’s important to note a small detail in the timeline: Google added a little note saying that the phase-out is “subject to resolving any remaining concerns with the CMA” meaning that we’re back in the speculation phase.

But we got you covered and in any case, the cookie deprecation will come sooner or later - we have outlined some strategies to ensure you are prepared for when it does happen.
User data import for Google Analytics 4 audiences
Google improved the way user data import (which allows you to enhance user segmentation and remarketing audiences by importing user metadata that you store outside of Analytics from a CRM system, for example) works with Google Analytics 4 audiences. Now, data imported via user data import, joined using either user ID or client ID, is immediately available as criteria to qualify a user for an existing GA4 audience without requiring further activity from the user. That means users imported into Analytics who meet the criteria for an existing GA4 audience are immediately added to it.
For example, imagine you have created a "Gold" loyalty tier audience based on a user-scoped custom dimension that specifies a user’s loyalty tier. Now, when you upload the loyalty tiers via user data import, imported "Gold" tier users are immediately added to the GA4 audience. You don’t need to wait for them to become active on the website or app to qualify.

Salesforce Data Import
Good news for Salesforce users!
Google added Salesforce as a data source for Data import. You can now import data directly from Salesforce to Google Analytics as offline event data. Not only that but you will also be able to schedule daily or hourly imports and select any existing Salesforce milestones and attributes you want to import. Salesforce milestones will be collected as GA4 events, and you can optionally import any existing Salesforce attributes as GA4 dimensions.
Want to know more about how to implement Salesforce Data Import? Check this link here.
EEA Consent Mode (v1) Implementation Update
If you have Consent Mode implemented in your site(s)/or apps, you likely have received an email from Google talking about upgrade requirements to consent mode (v2). In this new version, Google has completed the mapping of ad_storage to ad_user_data values. While you continue to use consent mode (v1), the values of ad_storage consent will auto-populate ad_user_data for users in the EEA. Want to know more about auto-mapping? Check this link here.
Now, if you decide to opt out of auto-mapping ad_storage values to ad_user_data, you can configure the new consent mode parameters directly. Upgrading to the latest consent mode version (v2) also offers the ability to set ad_personalization consent required for EEA audience functionalities.
Google encourages you to validate that your consent mode setup is working as intended using tag assistant.
Finally, if you have already completed your upgrade to the latest consent mode version (v2), great work and you’re on the right track!
Display & Video (DV360) linking recommendations
When Google identifies an unlinked Display & Video 360 advertiser, you may now see a recommendation to link your DV360 advertiser to Google Analytics. By linking the DV360 advertiser, you can export Analytics audiences and conversions to DV360, and see campaign cost data and user engagement data in Analytics for better campaign measurement.
Want to know more about recommendations? Don’t miss it here.

GA4 Cookies Changes in Canada
Do you have sites in Canada? If that answer is YES you may want to keep an eye out for Quebec’s Law 25 which represents a complete overhaul of the province’s privacy regime, adding a variety of new requirements for businesses to contend with.
What is it?
Quebec’s Bill 64 — also known as an act to modernize legislative provisions regarding the protection of personal information — was officially adopted on September 22, 2021, becoming Law 25. This overhaul of the province’s privacy legislation has been part of a significant shift in modernizing Canada’s wider privacy landscape, which has recently seen further steps towards provincial and major federal reform.
What does it do?
Law 25 introduces new obligations that businesses must consider that relate to the protection of personal information of Quebec residents, including Data Protection Officer (DPO) appointments and privacy impact assessments (PIAs), among other things. These new provisions will become effective over the course of a three-year period, with the majority entering into effect in September 2023.
What should I do?
Law 25 requires businesses to provide certain information to individuals when they collect personal information using technology that identifies, locates, or profiles the individual, or when they use personal information to make a decision solely based on automated processing.
To get the full details on this, you can check OneTrust Blog.
DV360 App Mediation Partners Update
Starting in April, 2024 inventory purchased via app mediation partners will incur a fee, in addition to the Display & Video 360 partner fee. Advertisers will clearly see the fee amount and be asked to accept the fee in Display & Video 360. Advertisers who do not accept the fee will be opted-out and will not be charged.
App mediation partners give Display & Video 360 advertisers more control and access to mobile app inventory. Custom integrations with third-party app mediation partners provide Display & Video 360 with more inventory, better signals, and real-time bidding mediation, so advertisers can efficiently bid on high quality app inventory.
To change your app mediation partner settings at the partner level navigate to your partner and select Partner Settings > Basic Details > Exchanges.
App mediation partners are available as an inventory source in partner, insertion order, or line item targeting settings under Public inventory. Advertisers can target individual app mediation partners, and assess performance for each partner in reporting. App mediation partners are available for open auction, display, and video inventory.
Napkyn Recommendation
Pull a Exchange Report to understand current volume on App Mediation Partners
Reach out to specific App Mediation Partners to setup direct deals in DV360
More Insights

How to Audit Google Analytics 4 (GA4): Common Issues and Their Impacts on Your Data

Hasan Alanam
Manager, Data Solutions
Feb 14, 2025
Read More

Cookie Compliance Explained: Key Privacy Laws and Best Practices for Websites

Rob English
Lead Product Specialist
Feb 12, 2025
Read More

Impact of Consent Mode on Reporting and Transaction Data in GA4

Trisha Patel
Senior Analyst, Data Solutions
Feb 5, 2025
Read More
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