Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow: 4 Days Until UA Sunset

In four days - July 1, 2023, standard Universal Analytics properties will no longer be able to process new data. 

June 27, 2023 Attention all Universal Analytics users: The sun is setting on this platform, and it's time (past time, really)  to make the switch to Google Analytics 4. In four days - July 1, 2023, standard Universal Analytics properties will no longer be able to process new data. 


What Happens in 4 Days? 

You’ll still be able to access your standard Universal Analytics properties in your account, but only for historical reporting, and only for 365 days. 

Report data and audience expansion features will be unavailable, and Universal Analytics-linked products will cease to receive data. Your current Google Ads audiences and conversions may also be impacted. This could result in campaign disruptions, so it is necessary to verify your setup to ensure optimal performance. For instance, you should shift your Google Ads campaigns that depend on Universal Analytics conversions to the corresponding conversions in Google Analytics 4. If you don’t make the necessary adjustments you will experience interruptions in your ad campaigns. 

Don't risk losing valuable analytics information - make the move to Google Analytics 4 before the deadline to ensure seamless coverage. Don’t worry, you don’t have to go it alone. Our team is here to support you every step of the way.


How Napkyn Can Help

Napkyn has built 4 projects specifically to help with pre July 1st GA4 migration:


GA4 Rapid Audit

Your direct route to uncovering issues, identifying risks, and cross-checking GA4 requirements. Our experts provide a clear overview of what changes can be made for improved data enablement and provide recommendations for issue resolution. 


Core Migration

GA4 property creation and full migration of critical business measurement  from your current UA property. Ensures GA4 settings and tracking infrastructure is aligned with your business and marketing objectives to maximize team utilization and data/business value.


Custom GA4 Training

Comprehensive training sessions with our GA4 experts covering critical topics needed for your team to use the tool to its full potential.


Custom Reporting

Create custom views that matter most in Google Analytics and Looker Studio to ensure a seamless transition. Napkyn will work with your team to ensure continuity with key external reports, BI platforms, or data integrations that rely on UA data.


And if you don't make it in time for our pre July 1 packages, we also have post UA packages:


Post-Sunset Diagnostic

Rapid cycle examination to solve any postsunset issues. Our team of experts will quickly triage the issues impacting your tracking and repair the infrastructure for stability moving forward.


Advanced GA4 Implementations

With a solid foundation, reach the full potential of GA4 by augmenting your core
development with measurement and data integrations that align with your unique business needs.


Usable Historical Data

Proprietary Napkyn tools automatically export UA data to BigQuery via GA APIs, powering historical reports in Looker Studio or other visualization tools, while making the data accessible for future ad-hoc reporting or modeling for insights and media activation.


Inaction is a threat to progress

There are a ton of benefits to making the move to GA4 - cross platform tracking, BigQuery integration, purchase probability,  improved data model, better reporting... the list goes on.

And if you need more reasons, it’s also a great time to clean up your implementation, start prepping for third-party cookie deprecation and the perfect opportunity to rethink data collection. It’s late, but you still have a few days. Migrate now! 

Learn more about out pre and post UA sunset packages

Ready to migrate to GA4?

Sunset is coming, our team of GA4 experts can help.
