Navigating Third-Party Cookie Deprecation

The moment has finally come. After several years of delay, Google has taken its first step toward deprecating third-party cookies.

“Google Is Finally Killing Cookies. Advertisers Still Aren't Ready.”

- The Wall Street Journal

For the doubters and deniers, this may come as a bit of a surprise, but for those that follow Google closely (like we do at Napkyn), this moment has been eagerly anticipated and prepared for. Napkyn is very well-versed in the details of third-party cookie deprecation (3PCD) and the implications for advertisers. We've published this white paper on the Advertising Impact of 3PCD - a good overview of what’s happening and the impactions for advertisers.

The truth is that no advertiser is fully ready for what 2024 will bring. It is far too big a change that impacts so many tools, teams, and processes. What is important is that every marketer take stock of their preparedness, prioritize areas of focus, and get moving down the durability road with pace and alacrity.

Google Chrome's Third-Party Cookie Phaseout Forcing Industry To Adapt

- Media Post

The areas that need to be evaluated include:

    • State of your first-party data: how are you organizing, analyzing, and activating the value of your own consumer and marketing data?
    • Current use of third-party cookies: how reliant is your marketing on the capabilities being removed now? What is your plan to replace these cookies in your audience and measurement processes?
    • Site/app analytics setup: are you fully prepared to gather all relevant consumer data across all sites and apps? e.g. ssGTM
    • Utilization of “cookie replacements” across different walled gardens and buying tools: what are you doing today? What is available that is most useful to your business?
    • Import and export of data: how are you leveraging currently available data import/export functionalities in your tools for user, offline, etc. data?
    • Cross-device, cross-domain tracking: what are you doing today? What is available that is most useful to your business?

The unfortunate reality is that third-party cookie deprecation has such a deep and broad impact that no one person or team at any marketer will know the total impact - it bridges too many tools, people, and processes. The good news is that virtually all marketers have taken good, concrete steps toward a durable future and there are a host of immediate, well understood projects to move faster. So the simple solution is to take a step back, evaluate where you stand holistically, identify any weak or blind spots, and prioritize concrete projects that provide the highest ROI on your marketing. 

Napkyn has the experience in analytics and media to assess the impact across a marketer’s entire organization - from media management, to site tagging, to marketing analytics, to customer data organization, to media measurement. Our 15+ years of experience across Google’s entire product suite including Google Marketing Platform, Google Ads, and Google Cloud empowers Napkyn to know exactly how to set up and leverage each product to deliver maximum marketing impact.

To coincide with Google’s first concrete steps toward 3PCD, Napkyn has created a unique offering, the Marketing Durability Accelerator, which will provide in just a few short weeks (1) an assessment of your state of durability, (2) a prioritized list of projects customized to advance your durability quickly, and (3) the completion of the first steps to configure Google properly and improve your readiness.

Napkyn understands the anxiety this moment evokes. However, we also believe that it's the beginning of a new era in digital marketing, one that respects the wishes of consumers and will provide a truly durable foundation for that most important activity for every marketing - having meaningful conversations with consumers anywhere. We stand ready to help every marketer take their next step on this exciting new road.

To get in-touch with Napkyn and learn more about these new offerings, provide your contact info here.

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